
Problems We Solve

“I want to grow my e-commerce revenue, but paid ads aren’t an option”

Many cannabis companies come to us because the want to increase their online sales, but can’t use paid ads due to the resctions Meta and Google place on them. Doing this requires an SEO strategy that focuses on ranking for lucrative product-related search terms, rather than capturing any traffic you can get and hoping some of it will convert.

“I want to drive consistent foot traffic to my dispensary or CBD store”

Dispensary and CBD store owners come to us struggling to find a way to get people into their brick-and-mortar locations. They’ve tried social media, local events, and local media placements, but have had very little success making people aware that their store exists. Doing this requires a local SEO strategy that makes your business show up on Google for search terms like “dispensary near me” and “cbd store near me.”

“I don’t have time to do SEO or fix the content on my site”

Many of our clients understand the value of SEO for their business and know the basics (or are willing to learn), but are too busy running a store, managing a team, or working on other marketing initiatives to give SEO the attention is needs to become a revenue-driving channel.

“I hired an agency, but they didn’t do anything”

Clients come to us after hiring agencies or freelancers in the past, having spent thousands of dollars but not seeing a return on any of the work that was done. They need an SEO agency that drives revenue, reports on their results, and is transparent about what they’re doing.

We’re Different In A Good Way

We build a unique strategy for all of our cannabis clients, but all of our engagements center on a four-step process that maximizes ROI and minimizes headaches:

The outdated process

❌ Focus on high-traffic keywords

❌ Build pages to rank for any keywords you can

❌ Only publish new content; ignore old content

❌ Don’t measure or be accountable to organic revenue

From local retailer to national presence.

Coming soon.

Our Core Values


About our clients, about the people they’re trying to serve, and about anyone who lands on a piece of content we write or a product page we design. Success is empty unless it involves helping people better themselves. We care about helping you win, and we’re here to help you help your customers.

Be honest & transparent.

You’ll know exactly what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and why it is or isn’t working. Questions are encouraged. You have to face reality every day in your business; we’re here to face it head-on with you and help you succeed.

Make the internet better, not worse.

No low-quality content, no spam, and no hacks. Just high-quality content and user experiences that delight the people who interact with them. Because in the long run, if it’s bad, it won’t help your customers, so it won’t help your business, so it won’t help ours.

Ready for SEO that drives real business results for your cannabis brand?